Even with the best, most thorough explanation of an issue or error, recording your screen will provide extra insight into what is happening when you run into problems.  

Recording your computer through your phone is hard for you to do and hard for us to see what's happening.  If you don't have another screen recorder (ScreenPal, Loom, etc), ScreenApp.io is browser-based, free to use, and requires no account sign-up.  

Watch this video to see how easy it is to use:

How to use ScreenApp.io to report BACON errors?

  1. Visit the website https://screenapp.io

  2. Click the hot pink "Record now for Free" button

  3. Choose 'Screen Only'

  4. [Optional] If you have a mic and want to explain in the video what your issue is, click on 'Microphone Audio'. Otherwise 'No Audio is fine'.

  5. Check 'Start Recording Automatically' then click 'Start Recording' button.

  6. Close the warning if you selected 'No Audio'

  7. Next you will be asked what part of your screen should be recorded. Choose 'Entire Screen' -> Click on the Image -> Then click 'Share'

  8. After clicking 'Share', the video recording will start. Switch your browser tab to clickBACON and record the error you are having, but please don't close https://screenapp.io/

    Controls will appear at the bottom of your screen if you switch tabs or windows, use the 'Pause' button if you're not finished recording and there's something you need to do in the background. It will change to a 'Play' button if you want to resume.

    The 'Stop sharing' button will finish your recording and proceed to the next step.


    Note: You can also use these controls by going back to https://screenapp.io/

  9. Once you've captured your issue on video, go back to https://screenapp.io/ and click the 'Download' button. Please attach the video when you send us a BACON error report to support@therestaurantboss.com