Create a Build Sheet
Modified on: Mon, 7 Oct, 2024 at 11:28 AM
This guide shows you step-by-step how to create a new build sheet in your account. These can be viewed or printed as a readable document for your restaurant.
To create a new build sheet, look at the left-hand menu and click on 'Sheets'. A list will appear and the “Build Sheets” option will be available.
On the Build Sheets page, you will see a list of all the current sheets and here you can add and edit build sheets. To create a build sheet, click the “+” button (see below).
Next, you'll be sent to the Build Sheet editor. Here you can enter your sheet's “Name”, “Meal Period”, “Menu Description”, “Server Description”, “Plate”, “Diet Type” and the image.
Clicking on the “Meal Period” box will show a drop-down list of mealtimes, for example, Breakfast, Lunch and Snack. 
Sometimes restaurants have Brunch items which is not in the list of Meal Periods by default. Use the "Add Period", a window will show up where you can add it. Enter the name then click on 'SAVE'.
The process will be the same for the "Plate" and "Diet Type" options. Select them from the drop-down menu, if none of the default options are suitable for the Build Sheet, then add a new entry using the 'Add Plate' or 'Add Diet Type' options.
If you want to add a picture to your Build Sheet, click on the camera icon (see below) then click “Update Photo”. Then find the picture you want to use, it needs to saved into your computer/device first and uploaded to BACON.
Once a file has been selected, you'll be able to edit the uploaded image. You can zoom in and out, rotate, move and crop the photo (see image below). Click “Save” when done.
Next, scroll down the page and you can also specify the “Ingredients”, “Kitchen Directions”, “Service Standards” and “Potential Allergies” on the Build Sheet.
You can add more entries by clicking the “Add Item” button on the left side or remove them using the delete button found on the right side. (see screenshot below)
If you're happy with all the info you've entered onto your Build Sheet, go to "Save and Exit" at the bottom of the page.
Additional Options: Once the Build Sheets are saved, there are other options that you can do back in the main Build Sheets page, you can Delete, Edit, Copy/Duplicate or Preview. Most is self-explanatory but the 'Preview' option will show you what your sheet will look like as a printable file. Click on 'Export' to download a .pdf file of the preview: 

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